Onsite Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall

Onsite Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall


I had a onsite interview at MathWork today. Sadly I didn’t make it.

A Indin girl took gave me the interview. The tech interview has 4 parts

algorithm test

Write down any sorting algorithm


There are 4 pages of C++ code and you need to find out the output

  1. The first one is about shallow and deep copy

  2. The behavior of virtual destructor

     #include <iostream>
     Class A
     Class B
     void main()
         A* ptr = new B;
         delete ptr;
  3. Static class member

  4. Behavior of array pointer

     #include <iostream>
     void main()
         int arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
         //int* ptr = arr;


She told me to choose another language for test. I thought my Matlab is good until I saw the questions.

Scenario 1

The first scenario is the proccess data.

  1. How to optimize the following code

     sensorData = [50, 30, 45, 36, 45];
     scalePara = [2, 6, 8, 32, 10, 32];
     for sensor = 1 : 5
         scaledData(sensor) = sensorData(sensor) / scalePara(sensor);
  2. How to optimize the code if (data still needed to be divided by the scaledPara, which means that you need to do it row by row). I used a loop over the rows, but there must be better ways to do this.

     sensorData = [50, 30, 45, 36, 45,
             52, 32, 74, 23, 68,
             20, 30, 48, 95, 30];

Scenario 2

  1. If you are writing a project in Matlab, would you use function or script.
  2. If you have a function to do clean up, is it a good idea to name the function “end”?

Scenario 3

  1. If you have a 4 sensor with each sensor has 1000 data, how do you visualize the data.

  2. How would you differentiate the different data from different sensors.

Scenario 4

  1. If you have lines of repeatation to calculate something, what would you do.

  2. If you have a complicated calculation in one line and there are many lines like it, how do you optimize without write another function.


It’s really simple the first one is a linear function with porperty

F(A+B) = F(A) + F(B)
F(kA) = kF(A)

interview MathWork

Dialogue & Discussion