Blog Archive

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Onsite Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall › Onsite Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall
Interview Read More ›

Pointer performance test
How unique_ptr, shared_ptr compare to raw ptr Read More ›

Naive Array
There are several strang things about naive array, although I don't use them no more Read More ›

The Evil Compiler
Compiler is the new enemy Read More ›

Learning C++ all the time › Modorn C++ Default Programming Style
From CPPCON2014 by Herb Sutter Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style Read More ›

Django Setup › Django Setup
get started with Django Read More ›

Web Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall › Web Interview from MathWork 2015 Fall
Interview Read More ›

hand tracking with synthesized data › hand tracking
a hand tracking demo Read More ›

articulated joint tracking › articulated joint tracking
Ubuntu miscellaneous › Ubuntu miscellaneous
record little things about Ubuntu Read More ›

fix PC boot problem › Fix whatever boot failure (dual boot)
fix grub or dual boot for linux and windows Read More ›

Emacs › using Emacs
skills and plugins in Emacs Read More ›

accelerating › Speed Up Computation
various ways to speed up your computation Read More ›

toward the mountain › C++ little things
compilation of little things in C++ Read More ›

git skill › useful git commands
get rid of deleted origin/branches Read More ›

GNU global configuration use ctags parser
icp › test
test commit Read More ›